About me

Have you ever had that awkward moment when you run into someone you haven’t seen in years, and you can’t remember their name? That dreadful situation where you stammer, "Let me introduce you to… my friend," sweating nervously, hoping no one notices...
About me

Or worse, have you gone to the supermarket for four things, come back with two, and wondered how on earth you forgot the most important ones?

The good news is, you’re not alone. It happens to everyone. Do I sympathize with you? Not even close. I’m not here to pat your back.

Been there.

Feel that.

And I can help you.

I used to have terrible memory. Seriously. Awful. You know, the classic "What did I come into this room for?" or "Where’s my watch?" (yes, the one I’m wearing while I look for it). Or "Did I lock the door?" or "How do you calculate the volume of a sphere again?" Sound familiar? Of course, it does. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve been through the same.

One day I said ENOUGH. Forgetting things is one thing, but pitying yourself over a lousy memory without doing anything about it? That’s another.

Have you heard about the Memory Palace? I had—read about it in sci-fi books and always dismissed it as, well, fiction. But one day I thought… what if it’s real? So, I got to work. I spent months gathering information from various resources (I’ll admit, with skepticism). I did the homework, and surprise: those techniques worked. And worked well. Once you learn to apply them correctly, it’s like having superpowers. I’m still blown away by it.

You might be thinking, "Alright, Geek, spill it. I want those powers too." That’s why I’m here. But heads up: if you’re expecting to read an article and suddenly have a photographic memory, forget it. That’s not how it works. Learning something new takes time and effort. You’ll need to practice. And practice. And practice. One day, you’ll realize you’re light-years ahead of where you started.

Are you ready to put in the effort?

Then I promise to teach you. You have my word.


At Memory Geek, I’m sharing the tools that helped me transform my memory. These aren’t magic tricks. They’re documented techniques anyone can use. From remembering a colleague’s name to memorizing endless lists or preparing a presentation, I’ll show you how I did it and how you can too. And the best part? We’ll make it fun and straight to the point.

I’ll be with you every step of the way to turn you into a true memory geek. Promise!